This image was taken in my office - early morning Monday 15th March, 2010. A the top it shows two of my sketchbooks opened at strategic places the one on the left is a page that shows a photo taken a couple of years ago of a footpath, gravel, lettering, cigarette ends etc. This image surrounded by some of my own writing that is circling in a spiral around the picture. On the right of the table at the top is another page from a diary - the text that you can't quite read is from the previous post and looks at alternative ways of representing space - Miro and Modrian are good examples of the extremes in the representation of space and relations between objects in space in painting.
On the bottom half of the table on the left is a worksheet from a course that I attended - a six month long course in Leadership - I was a coach on the course and on top of the worksheet is my badge from the course. on the right at the bottom, an assignment from a course that I am currently doing at Uni - PGCert in Leadership and Management. In between these two documents are some name badges that I have used for work as well as my business card. All aspect of identity. All a question of Design in some way.
[Click on the image - it should expand for grater detail.]
Thanks Patric.I had a look at your blog and I like what I saw, I’ m trying not to use anything from my first blog. Your first entire creativity and leadership, would like to have an entries like that showing what I do when I composing a piece of music to display what I use, when I get an idea for a piece of music is that ok to do.