We entered the cometary with our cameras. A woman was following us with three dogs in tow, the smallest began running after me, playfully, and the owner kept calling the dog back. The owner then threw a packet into some bushes behind me as I was walking. "It's for the foxes", she said. Scraps of chicken apparently shoved into some paper bags.
After a few shots my camera pack in due to the fact that the battery has faded out. I then had to give myself a reason for being there having taken time out to work on the Grid. But I now had no camera. Not even a notebook or sketchpad. I continued to walk around Undercliffe cometary with Richard. Then I realised I was in a landscape full of type, carefully chiselled lettering of all styles, shapes and sizes. Many messages expressing deep emotion and loss.
At the end of the drive that I am standing on is an obelisk made out of grey-blue marble. The lettering on it appears very feint. Amongst the message and the date I see the phrase "in loving memory". The last two letter of the word "memory" are missing. I remember that I have my mobile with me - I never really use the camera on it. I capture this phrase. It intrigues me.
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